Creature Companion

Creature Companion, India’s foremost premier pet magazine, provides pet lovers with vital information on pet care and related subjects, as well as, furnishes the domestic and international pet industries with important facts, trends, and statistics about the Indian pet market. The monthly has not only become synonymous with pet care issues but is also now internationally recognized as the sole organizer of South Asia’s only pet trade fair and India’s largest pet event, the India International Pet Trade Fair (IIPTF).

Design and Execution

Marketing Science

Business Growth

The Challenge

Creature Companion had an ill-design site map that was not only confusing but very complicated for the visitors of the website. How information is organized and presented on your website is vital for good usability. However, it is often neglected. It has become even more important today as websites offer a wide range of information and resources to attract their target market.

The Plan

We thought from the perspective of the average website visitor and we planned Creature Companion’s website sections and categories carefully and present information that was easy for users to find.

This was particularly important as Creature Companion had a lot of content to offer.

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