Leads the way to your success!

We power marketing programs that generate qualified leads and nurture sales opportunities. Is this the first time you’ve heard about lead generation? Are you ready to take the digital dive in to the realms of the business world? Don’t worry, we’ve all had that moment!

Getting to the top may be a challenge, but not with the right agency!

Lead generation is at the core of any successful marketing strategy – but there is a reason why they call it the “core”. It’s not that easy to pioneer the art of marketing or lead generation, for that matter. In times like these, you need a top forming agency to guide you and assist you on your journey.

Bariza Holiday

  • 1883%

    Increase in organic search traffic

  • 1372%

    Increase in sales transition

Beau Voyage

  • 1883%

    Increase in organic search traffic

  • 1372%

    Increase in sales transition

Construction Care

  • 1883%

    Increase in organic search traffic

  • 1372%

    Increase in sales transition

Lead Gen pricing plan


$10,000 Monthly

IP Address Visitor Leads

Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs)

Google Advertising

Facebook Ads 

24/7 Email Support

Custom Reporting 

Market Leader

$20,000 Monthly

90 - 120 Leads a Month

IP Address Visitor Leads

Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs)

Google Advertising

Facebook Ads

24/7 Email Support

Custom Reporting


$35,000 Monthly

120 - 160 Leads a Month

IP Address Visitor Leads

Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs)

Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs)

Google Ads

Linkedin Advertising

Facebook Ads

Email Marketing 

24/7 Email & Phone Support

Monthly Strategy Call

Custom Reporting

5 Most Successful Strategies custom made for Lead Generation


We all know that without SEO, your business might as well go bust. We cannot emphasize the importance more, because SEO is the hub of any e-commerce business.

It’s also one of the most powerful inbound marketing tactics out there which is actually pretty beneficial for lead generation. With the help of SEO, your business can reach users as they search on Google, Bing!, Yahoo, etc, and quickly become the most trusted company of choice.


We all know that without SEO, your business might as well go bust. We cannot emphasize the importance more, because SEO is the hub of any e-commerce business.

It’s also one of the most powerful inbound marketing tactics out there which is actually pretty beneficial for lead generation. With the help of SEO, your business can reach users as they search on Google, Bing!, Yahoo, etc, and quickly become the most trusted company of choice.


If you ever think that paid advertising is a cheat-sheet but a very effective way of getting noticed – you’re absolutely right! It’s a cool approach for lead generation because it acts as both an inbound and outbound strategy.

Your business can advertise on search result pages, websites, social media and so much more with paid advertising. Generating leads through paid advertising? Sign us up!


If you ever think that paid advertising is a cheat-sheet but a very effective way of getting noticed – you’re absolutely right! It’s a cool approach for lead generation because it acts as both an inbound and outbound strategy.

Your business can advertise on search result pages, websites, social media and so much more with paid advertising. Generating leads through paid advertising? Sign us up!


Email marketing is not dead, we’ve established this. The world knows that email marketing is still one of the most effective marketing channels out there. It’s also one of the most common lead generating strategies – our statement is backed up stats where 78% of firms use email marketing to attract, nurture, and convert qualified leads into sales!

With email marketing, you get your leads and also maintain a personal touch with your clients. What’s not to love about this?


Email marketing is not dead, we’ve established this. The world knows that email marketing is still one of the most effective marketing channels out there. It’s also one of the most common lead generating strategies – our statement is backed up stats where 78% of firms use email marketing to attract, nurture, and convert qualified leads into sales!

With email marketing, you get your leads and also maintain a personal touch with your clients. What’s not to love about this?


It may be a challenge for many firms, as mentioned by almost 50% of marketers – but social media marketing and advertising is a challenge worth winning!

It offers immense opportunities as social media is a separate universe with a billion opportunities left open for us to benefit from. With the help of this type of marketing, your business gets wide access and recognition from popular platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, etc.


It may be a challenge for many firms, as mentioned by almost 50% of marketers – but social media marketing and advertising is a challenge worth winning!

It offers immense opportunities as social media is a separate universe with a billion opportunities left open for us to benefit from. With the help of this type of marketing, your business gets wide access and recognition from popular platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, etc.


If you earned a dollar every time you heard the saying “content is key”, chances are you would be a millionaire in 2020!

This is because nothing could be further from the truth – content marketing describes the work that your business does in a refined, intricate manner and posts it on social media. In other words, content marketing is all about marketing the content of your business via social media. When you use content marketing, you aim to capture users at varying stages and guide them towards becoming a relevant lead.


If you earned a dollar every time you heard the saying “content is key”, chances are you would be a millionaire in 2020!

This is because nothing could be further from the truth – content marketing describes the work that your business does in a refined, intricate manner and posts it on social media. In other words, content marketing is all about marketing the content of your business via social media. When you use content marketing, you aim to capture users at varying stages and guide them towards becoming a relevant lead.

See What Our Happy Clients Have To Say

Unmistakable Benefits Of Lead Generation:

One of the biggest keys to success is getting the right leads. Without leads, you don’t have a complete cycle – and its primary step for the sales cycle. Without it, sales do not exist, plain and simply put. To understand better, here are a few failproof benefits!

Targets The Desired Results

Lead generation does not aim at everyone and it’s certainly not the ‘spray and pray’ method. It allows you to target desired customers at different places and times, by collecting valuable information about prospects, preferences, and requisites. These can help in tailoring the value of your products, and offer your customers exactly what they’re looking for!
But keep in mind that, quantity does not matter but that quality does.

Leads Equal Customers Equal To Profits!

Statistics show that over 55% of B2B marketers spend more than half their marketing budget on lead generation – what does that tell you?
That lead generation has started to dominate the B2B market, of course!
See, one of the greatest advantages of using lead generation is that you get to see a 100% increase in sales of your products. Businesses that use lead generation tactics are more likely to turn leads into full-fledged, full-time customers. As a result, it’s an all-time high on the profit margins of the business – in short, lead generation is a total win-win as it also boasts of a high ROI.

It’s A Win-Win For Both The Buyer And Seller!

Lead generation is a friendly game for both teams, and this is no surprise to us! From the buyer's perspective, they can get detailed information research on several sellers and providers, and then choose the best purchase alternative. From the business’ point of view, lead generation brings a plethora of benefits – as it takes your business to the next level, by telling others about your business and coming to a point where leads become conversions that turn into sales.

A Handpicked And Ideal Roi Technique

We mentioned this briefly earlier, but the fact is that lead generation is an ideal ROI model – it costs considerably less than other marketing platforms and brings about a plethora of benefits in the form of quick ROI, efficient conversions, building relationships with new prospects, etc.
Don’t believe us? Well, according to Lead Forensics, clients have seen a 2500% surge in ROIs. Testimonials also say that they have seen a 2615% increase in ROI in one month! Can you imagine?

Generates Awareness

Brand awareness is really important because it’s a measure of how well your brand is renowned amongst the target market. It shows you how influential your brand is – as the brand name is the first thing that people relate with while making a purchase decision.

In simple words, having a really strong brand name is your best bet for the stronger your reputation, the greater is your profit potential and overall brand value.

Not only that, but lead generation also educational and informative in nature as it tells others about your brand and hence creates the scope for ‘word of mouth’.

Costs Lesser Than Other Advertisements!

Since advertising is a mandatory requisite for any successful, you must invest in a home-winning advertisement. However, while deciding on the most suitable technique – you need to keep in mind, the cost and the expected ROI.

In many cases, some advertisements don’t offer a happy ending like they promise – luckily, with lead generation, you don’t have to worry about the cost, expected ROI, or they reach. This is because its all covered and custom made for your convenience to produce the best results.

Provides You With Valuable Information About Prospects

For a business, you can imagine how important it is to understand your audience and his preferences to tailor services according to his tastes – without getting valuable information on your prospects, you would find it next to impossible to get anywhere.

Luckily, lead generation has you covered by providing valuable information about your prospects. A quick tip: Did you know that LinkedIn dominates lead gen with more than 80% of B2B leads generated through social media coming from them.?

It Also Benefits Your Other Marketing Channels!

Marketing always comes back to your website. Whether it’s in the form of sending emails, sharing content on social media, or a PPC campaign – marketing in today's times, is more or the less all about driving website traffic as it generates leads.

Your website is the activity hub of all the marketing efforts put in by your team – and thus, it acts like the glossy magazine cover of your business. Using lead generation tools, you would be able to track important things like which campaign they’ve opted for, and how many prospects are interested in what you have to offer. It also helps analyze your web traffic and what channels affect it differently.

Generate 10x Leads Month on Month with strategic Lead Gen Process


Q. Is Lead Generation Part of Sales or Marketing? lead generation is a part of both sales and marketing. While most leads are generated through a form of marketing, they are generated to help drive sales and increase business opportunities. Unfortunately, in some situations, there can be mild hostility and tension between the sales and marketing teams within a business. This can be down to a crossover of roles and responsibilities, disagreement of methods, a lack of communication, or unaligned strategies.
Q. Why is Lead Generation Important for a Business? Lead generation is a vital part of generating new business opportunities and growing your business. Without some form of lead generation, your business can often struggle to keep up with those competitors who are regularly engaging with potential customers.
Q. What Methods Can I Use to Generate Leads? With lead generation, there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach, meaning the approach that one business may take to lead generation may not work as well, if at all, for another business. There are a wide variety of inbound and outbound strategies that businesses in all manner of industries and markets can use to generate sales leads.
Q. What is the Key to Effective Lead Generation? When it comes to developing your lead generation strategy, you need to think about your prospects and their needs above all else. If your approach is designed to suit yourself rather than your prospects, you aren't going to see a great deal of success.
Q. How do I Increase my Lead Quality? When optimising your lead generation process for quality, you’ll need to focus on two main areas. One is analysing your approach and making improvements and optimisations, the other is your lead qualifying criteria.

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