There is no doubt in the fact that the internet has become a necessary part of everyone’s life
Nowadays, and if you are not using it to promote your business, then you are missing out on some of the good ways to increase your sales. However, when we talk about business “selling through the internet,” your audience is looking for your services and authenticity.
Google’s rank websites based on over 200 factors, and it is quite difficult for you to optimize for all of them. But here we are going to know about two factors (not included in Google’s list) which not only help you increase the audience on your website but also helps your audience to know the legitimacy of your website. In other words, these two factors are like your website’s reputation as a thought leader.
These two factors are-
1. Domain Authority
2. Page Authority
Domain Authority
Domain Authority (DA) is a search engine ranking score that predicts your website’s ability to rank on search engine result pages or SERPs. It is developed by the SEO software company Moz and is not related to Google in any way.
It informs you about the ability to rank your domain.
Calculating Domain Authority score
To calculate the website’s DA, Moz accounts for over 40 factors; the DA score of your website is relative to the DA score of the highest authority website. Since Moz can not give a score over 100 to the highest-authority websites, it lowers the DA score of other sites.
DA scale is logarithmic(ranging from 1 to 100), and this means that when your DA is higher, it’s harder to improve your authority score. For instance, increasing your DA from 60 to 70 is more challenging than increasing your DA from 20 to 30.
Understanding Good Domain Authority Score
According to Moz, DA is best used as a comparative metric rather than an absolute concrete score. In simpler terms, let’s take, for instance, that your domain score stands at 70 while your competitor stands at 90, then your competitor has better chances to rank up on SERP.
So if you think that you have a great DA score, then you might be wrong till you know where your competitors stand. Keeping this in mind, your objective should be to have an authority score higher than your competitors.
Page Authority
Moz, an SEO software company, also develops Page Authority(PA). PA is a search engine ranking score that predicts a certain page’s ranking ability on your website on SERP. The value obtained at PA includes DA as a factor. PA also ranges from a score of 1 to 100.
Calculating Page Authority score
PA score is ranked using a 100-point logarithmic scale. PA rank. Similar to DA, it isn’t easy to increase from 70 to 80 rather than 20 to 30.
One thing to keep in mind here is that since PA considers DA as a factor, having a good DA score is definitely going to benefit the score of your website’s pages.
Understanding Good Page Authority score
PA, similar to DA, is also affected by several factors. So finding the exact reason for PA rank changes is quite difficult, but you can always make predictions and simply run experiments to improve your PA score. Google includes several criteria to rank your page, and all of them can affect your score.
How does the Domain Authority and Page Authority affect the SEO?
Now that you have a clear idea about DA and PA and how they rank or score your website, you must be wondering if they impact SEO. Well yes, they have–
Helps in determining your business website’s authenticity
There exist thousands of illegitimate websites on the internet that disappear after a course of time. So it becomes quite challenging to earn your audience’s trust and convince them to buy your product. DA score tells you the legitimacy of a website, and it’s experience. Having a good DA and PA score helps you perform well at SERPs and ultimately improve your SEO.
Connecting with high ranking websites
Connecting with a website having a better DA than yours can help in improving the visibility of your website on the search engine, but while investing your time and money in other websites, make sure they are authentic and are having a DA score better than yours. Websites with a high DA score are supposed to have a strong domain, and your connection with them improves your DA score, and you get a better optimization on SERP. DA and PA Score, making SEO processes easier.
Checking the ranking ability of keywords
The first thing you need to know is your links help you rank. Apart from getting a higher ranking, you can access more keywords or be specific “competitive keywords.” Thus it becomes essential to check the ranking ability of a keyword you are using. This process is simple; you need to Google the keyword and check the PA for it to know it’s ability to rank.
Good PA score makes Google crawl your pages
When you have more PA scores, Google will crawl more of your pages. But suppose you only have a handful of links and a million pages on your website. In that case, it will be complicated to get Google to crawl and index all those million pages until or unless you are some big e-commerce or business website like ebay, Amazon, with a DA of 100 you might not be able to attract Google.
Helps in increasing indexation speed
You might be able to get Google to crawl your pages with low DA, but it will take a while for Google to revisit those pages. At this point, we get into the idea of indexation speed. With a higher DA, Google will crawl and index your content at a much faster rate than at a lower DA score.
Make your links powerful
Just so you know that with increased link equity, your links become more powerful, which gives you incredible ranking power. So it makes everything easier to rank. Your link with other businesses or websites increases your value.
Getting rid of bad links
Google has a policy of penalizing the sites with spam links on them, increasing your risk of being impacted by negative SEO. A good DA score makes Google crawl on your web pages, and by this, you can check and remove those links.
Saving you from over-optimization
Google says that they don’t have an over-optimization penalty. But many SEOs understand that if you’re a small site that is just starting, it is straightforward to over-optimize for keywords. With a high DA score, you can save yourself from over-optimization and thus increase your SERP rank.
Having unique content is the key
According to a saying- “Everything has been said or done but not by you” sort of fits right in this context. In the digital market, everyone is trying to experiment with their content to attract the right audiences. You need to see what is out there and do it in your own creative and better way. This ultimately increases your DA and PA score and has a significant impact on your SERP ranking.
Zero error and properly working external links
Before posting any content on your website, make sure there are no errors or improperly working external links. It can have an adverse effect on your DA and PA score and so on the SEO of your website.
Researching keywords to have a good DA/PA score
Keyword phrase research involves identifying the keyword or phrases used in optimization. This step is the balanced combination of two essential factors: highly used keywords by searchers and relatively low competition within the search engines.
Determining the most used phrase that contains your targeted keywords is easy but has high competition. Thus, it is better to opt for less competitive keywords to have a good DA and PA score and save your optimization efforts.
If you were wondering why, despite having clinging and robust content, you were unable to attract an audience, then you must try working for a better DA and PA score for your business website. On the one hand, PA will determine your content’s success when it comes to search keywords, and on the other hand, DA is going to determine how your domain ranks compared to every different domain.
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